Frequently Asked Questions


How should I make an intro?

There are many ways, and we suggest using the approach that feels most comfortable to you. You can introduce us via email (, LinkedIn, text message, or even in person!

Does it count if I introduce you to someone at the same school as me?

Absolutely! If a colleague is interested in learning more, feel free to make an introduction. We'd love to speak with them. You will get a share of the first 12 months revenue generated with them.

Sometimes professors have a free trial for their students, and don't start paying until the following year. What happens then?

We pay you 15% of the first year of income, from the moment students start paying. So if students have a free trial and don't pay for the first 12 months, and then pay for the following 12 months, you will get a share of the 12 months from when they were paying.

What if a professor expands the number of classes they use it in after the first year and end up paying more money over subsequent years. Can I have a share of that too?

This can and does happen. But we have to have a cut off at some point, and that point is 12 months from when we start generating revenue from an introduction or referral.

Can anyone make an introduction?

Yes, there are no restrictions to who can make introductions.

Is there a limit to how many introductions I can make?

There are no limits. If you think of anyone who might want to learn more, we'd love to share more details with them.

What happens if someone else made an introduction first?

In this case, the person who made the introduction first will receive the share, provided that their intro resulted in new sales. If the intro doesn't result in new sales or a commitment to use Blended Teaching in an upcoming semester, and you make a follow up intro at a later date that results in new sales, you'll receive the share.

How will I know if my introduction resulted in someone new using Blended Teaching?

We will let you know! We keep track of all introductions made, and will keep you up to date on any sales that resulted from an intro.

Why do you only share the revenue from the first year?

We want to make sure we share revenue fairly, and in a way that reflects the efforts of those who make introductions. For a one off event, like an introduction, we want to pay a one off share, that represents the revenue that resulted from that introduction. It's the same way established companies typically run partner programs, and the way compensation works for sales reps. Basically, we're taking what we'd otherwise pay a sales team, and sharing it with the community.